First Diksha Ceremony in USA
Badi Diksha of Sadhvi Sanghamitraji (Mangalam) –
– News & Article Courtesy: Jaina Education Committee
Sadhvi Sanghamitraji, prior known as Mangalamji is associated with Veerayatn, Bihar, India, since her childhood. At the young age of 6 years, she memorized Bhaktamar, Kalyan Mandir and Tatwartha Sutra and other Jain Stotras.
She has been blessed with the opportunity of studying Scriptures and ancient languages such as Sanskrit and Prakrit under the Divine and scholarly guidance of Param Pujya Gurudev Amar Muniji Maharaj and Acharya Shri Chandanaji Maharaj.
She is also blessed with an enchanting melodious voice which has mesmerised and touched the hearts of thousands of people around the world.
Jain Diksha (initiation) occurs in two phases. The initial Diksha, and within 6 months, the final (Badi) Diksha. Mangalam’s initial Diksha took place under Acharya Shri Chandanaji at Veerayatan, Rajgir, Bihar, India on December 20th 2011. During the initiation process she was given a new name Sadhvi Sanghamitra. The Badi Diksha took place at the Jain Center of Northern California, Milpitas (San Francisco) California on April 8, 2012.
The Veerayatan principle mission of Seva (help other human beings and animals), Siksha (Educate other human beings), and Sadhana (along with Seva, and Siksha continue your spiritual progress) is very conducive to uplift the morality and spirituality of our children born and raised in North America. In the past many of our youth have worked voluntarily at Veerayatan hospital and Kutch Education center.
Diksha Ceremony
Jaina Education Committee has taken an active part in the Badi Diksha ceremony function of Sadhvi Sanghamitraji. The Diksha Ceremony book was compiled and published by the committee.
In addition to Diksha ceremony vidhi, the book contains a brief information of Veerayatan mission, Acharya Shri Chandanji’s message, Sadhvi Shri Sanghamitraji’s life, Veerayatan Palitana project, and some pictures of initial Diksha ceremony.
The Diksha ceremony book was given to every attendees (more than 1200) of the function. The Diksha vidhi sutras were taken from the Jain Agams – Nandi Sutra and Dasvaikalik Sutra. The sutras were recited by Sadhivi Shree Sanghamitraji and the entire audience joined in the recitation with Sadhviji. Acharya Shri Chandanaji and Sadhvi Shri Subhamji explained the meaning.
The pdf file of the complete Diksha ceremony book can be downloaded from the following link.$sadhvi_
Note – The above link is active for next 30 days. After that the pdf file of the book will be available from Jain eLibrary website (
YouTube Videos
Deeksha Samaroh of Sadhvi Sanghmitra Ji 2012 – JCNC Celebrations 2012 link (3:27 min)

Bhajans of Sadhvi Sanghamitraji prior known as Mangalamji.
She took her Badi Diksha in California on 10 April, 2012
Individual URLs at:
Track 1 –
Track 2 –
Track 3 –
Track 4 –
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Track 6 –
Track 7 –
Track 8 –
Pravin K Shah
JAINA Education Committee,
919 859 4994
Sadhvi Shri Sanghamitraji
The Guru Awakens the disciple to experience the Inner Truth; the acceptance of this Awakening call by the disciple is the first renunciation (Initial or ‘Choti Diksha’). And when, through introspection and living the path, the disciple experiences the Awakening and fully accepts it, this is the second renunciation (Final or ‘Badi Diksha’). ‘Awakening’, says the Guru, is, in fact, the real achievement and therefore Badi Diksha is the true renunciation.
On the occasion of the Badi Diksha, the disciple, now with deeper spiritual experience, again dedicates himself at the pious feet of the Guru with the chanting of the Pravrajya Mantra:
- Dhamam Sarnam Pavajjami
I accept the shelter of religion
“Due to the Divine Blessings of my Guru, may I achieve my purest self.”
With this beautiful goal, the renunciate progresses on the path of spiritual purification with detachment and affirms his commitment of dedicating his life to the glory of Jina Shasan with Bliss.
About Mangalam
Mangalam has been affiliated with Veerayatan institute located at Rajgiri, Bihar, India since her childhood. At the young age of six years, she memorized Bhaktamar, Kalyan Mandir and Tatwartha Sutras and other Jain stotras.
She is blessed with an enchanting melodious voice which has mesmerised and touched the hearts of thousands of people around the world.
She has been also blessed with the opportunity of studying Scriptures and ancient languages such as Sanskrit and Prakrit under the Divine and scholarly guidance of Param Pujya Gurudev Amar Muniji Maharaj and Acharya Shri Chandanaji Maharaj.
Along with Jain scriptures, she also studied Hindu and Buddhist texts, with very good communicating skills in English, Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati. Along with her studies, she also held an administrative post at Veerayatan Rajgir for a few years.
For the past 17 years, she has been living in the United States where she was married, and has a beautiful 12 year old daughter, Ruhani.
Even though she was living in the USA for so many years, her heart was with Veerayatan all the while. During her stay in the USA, she continued her religious studies and worked and supported various volunteer activities of Veerayatan.
Mangalam had a long desire to take vows of Jain ascetic (Diksha) and live a complete spiritual life.
Jain Diksha (initiation) occurs in two phases. The initial Diksha, and within 6 months, the final (Badi) Diksha.
Mangalam’s initial Diksha took place under Acharya Shri Chandanaji at Veerayatan, Rajgir, Bihar, India on December 20th 2011. During the initiation process she was given a new name Sadhvi Sanghamitra by Acharya Shri Chandanaji.
Sadhvi Shri Sanghamitraji has attained the right and enlightened vision of life with the Blessings of her Guru, Param Pujya Acharya Shri Chandanaji Maharaj. She has an inborn spiritual inclination. Therefore, to give up all the abundance and comforts of life and join the beautiful, spiritual path of Jinas with complete detachment is absolutely natural for her. This is extraordinary and worthy of appreciation.
The final (Badi) Diksha of Sadhvi Sanghamitraji took place at Jain Center of Northern California (Milpitas, CA, USA) on April 8, 2012. This was an historic event for the entire Jain Community of USA and of North America since it was the very first Diksha ceremony in the country and continent.
Acharya Shri Chandanaji performed the Badi Diksha ceremony.
khamemi savve jiva, savve jiva khamantu me,
mitti me savva bhuyesu, veram majha na kenai.
I forgive all living beings,
May all living beings grant me forgiveness.
My friendship is with all living beings,
My enmity is totally nonexistent.