On the occasion of 133rd Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, a special cover has been issued by the Indian Postal Department on 2-10-2002 at Patna. This special cover is also related to JAINISM. On the special cover, two pictures are printed. In first picture Gandhiji is sitting with renowned Jain spiritual Saint Shrimad Rajchandraji and in second picture Gandhiji is sitting with famous poet Gurudeo Ravindranath Tagore. Significance of these two pictures are – Before going to U.K. for higher studies, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi met with Jain spiritual Saint Shrimad Ramchandraji who taught him about TRUTH & NON-VIOLENCE which led him to be a “MAHATMA”. On 18th Feb. 1940 Gandhiji and Baa visited Shantiniketan where Guru Ravindranath Tagore addressed him for the first time as “MAHATMA”.
Indian Postal Department also provided a special cancellation on this cover which bears most beloved slogan of Mahatma Gandhi “ISHWAR ALLAH TERO NAAM, SABKO SANMATI DE BHAGWAN”.Shri Naresh Kumar Jain and Shri Pradip Jain of Patna were instrumental in issuance of this special cover.