Bengaluru (Karnataka), 13th March 2021: The books “Vaddaradhane Maru Odu” and “Kavirajamargam – Hosa Shodadad Belakinalli” edited by renowned Jain and Kannada scholar Nadoja Prof. Hampa Nagarajaiah were released today at Gandhi Bhavan, Bengaluru. The “Vaddaradhane” book was released by Prof. B.V.Vasanth Kumar, chairman of Sahitya Academy and the “Kavirajamarga” book was released by noted Kannada scholar Prof. P.V.Narayan. Sri S.Rangappa, director, Department of Kannada and culture was the guest of Honour. Sri T.S.Nagabharana, Chairman of Kannada Development Authority presided the function. Hampana & Smt Kamala Hampana madam were also present on the occasion.
Vaddaradhane said to be written by Shivakotiacharya was written around 920 A.D. It is the earliest extant prose work in Kannada. It is a didactic work consisting of nineteen stories related to Jainism. The stories are related to great personalities like Sukumara Swamy, Vrushabasenari and others. Prof. Hampana Sir has relooked into this work with a fresh analytic perspective.
Kavirajamarga was written by Sri Vijaya in 850 A.D. is the earliest available work on rhetoric, poetics and grammar in the Kannada language. Prof. Hampana Sir has researched the work with a new perspective.
Both the books have be published by Sapna Book House, one of the renowned publishers of the country.
– Jain Heritage Centres News Service, Photos Courtesy: Sri Ajith Murugunde, Bengaluru