Padampura is in Shivdaspura town in Jaipur district of Rajasthan, India.
Main Deity – About 2 feet 4 inches high idol of Tirthankar Padamprabhu in padmasana.

History - On the Vaishaka shukla Panchami day in Veera Nirvana Samvat 2001 i.e. 1944 a boy named Moola Jat while digging the foundation of his house found a stone statue. It was carefully removed and was identified as the 6th Tirthankar of Jainism Lord Padmaprabha. At this place in the village are installed the feet impressions of the Tirthankar. Mahorilal Godha, a businessman, donated a huge plot of land near the village to construct a Jain temple for this idol. The Foundation Stone of the temple was laid by Sir Seth Sri Bhagchandji Soni of Ajmer. a A unique circular temple of marble was constructe at a heigth of 85 feet above the ground level. The idol of Tirthankar Padamprabhu is installed on an elevated platform. There are 10 more shrines inside which are installed different Jain idols. These include the the Ashta Dathu (idols made o eight metals) idols of Tirthankar Mahavir, Tirthankar Padmaprabhu Adinath Tirthankar and Tirthankar Shanthinath in Padmasana different vedhis around the main temple. In the main temple in different vedhis are installed the marble idols of Bharat and Bahubali in Kayotsarga & Shanthinath in Padmasana; black coloured stone idol of Tirthankar Parshwanath in Padmasana; idols of Mahavir, Adinath and Chandranath in a single vedhi with all of them in Padmasana; Marble idol of Neminath in Padmasana; black coloured stone idol of Tirthankar Adinath and marble idol of Padmaprabha. idols of Mahavir, Adinath and Chandranath are installed in a single vedhi with all of them in Padmasana; Marble idol of Neminath in Padmasana; black coloured stone idol of Tirthankar Adinath and marble idol of Padmaprabha.
Besides the temple in an open field is installed a magficient 27 feet high colossus of Padamprabha Tirthankar in Kayotsarga.
Manastambha – In front of the temple is installed a huge manastambha with Chaturmukha Tirthankar idols in Padmasana. The pedestal of the Manastambha has 3 steps are has carvings related to different Jain stories and instances related to Tirthankar’s life.
This area has been developed as Padampura Digambar Jain Atishay kshetra. The secretary of Padampura is Shri. Hemant Sogani
Miracles related to the idol – The idol Padamprabhu Tirthankar is believed to be miraculous. It is said that until the idol was found the entire village was suffering with the problems related to water & health issues. After the idol was found it is said that the water problems, and health issues of the villagers were sorted and the villagers got a rich crop. Owing to the miracles the idol is believed to be miraculous i.e. atishaya. Hence the place is also called as an Atishaya Kshetra.
Location – Padampura is located at a distance of 35 km from Jaipur on Jaipur-Kota road.