A publication of
www.jainheritagecentres.com |
Dr. H.A.Parshwanath
Issue 7 |
Syadvada, i.e. logical
relativism is a comprehensive philosophy found in Jainism. It
recognizes seven postures of truth (Sapthabanghi Nyaya). These are
viable, understandable and admissible in the course of philosophy. It
is the truth of truths. It emphasizes that any statement is true
subject to several conditions. 'Syath' means a small measure (some
how). A statement made with qualification is true and is regarded as
syadvada. It is really an intellectual ahimsa. It completely supports
the Jain philosophy. It id more subtle and complex. It has dimensional
approach. The seven modes of syadvada described and exhaustive with
logical reasoning. It whirls around the following - nitya or anitya,
satya or nitya and binna or vibinna. The knowledge of syadvada helps
to analyze the polymic subjects in an amicable way. Defeat or triumph
should be regarded equally. There is no substitute for clear reasoning
and hard thinking. Jainism has a multi dimensional philosophical
embodiment. Syath is the key stone of Jaina philosophy. It is based on
the firm conviction of Jainism that it is always believable and
reliable. Further it is submissive to truth and approachable through
any of the logical modes. There is no place for mystery in Jainism. It
tries to devise the means to cover the gap between reality and truth
i.e. between Sathya and Tatva. The truth exists on the firm ground of
a real and tangible world of objects. Syadvada is a magnifying lens by
which it is focused with the world truth. The holistic perspective of
Right Knowledge (Samyakgnana) is well interpreted. Right knowledge is
truth (Samyakgnana pramanam). Jain epistemology distinguished broadly
between pratyaksha and paroksha knowledge. The pratyaksha means pure
and clear. Paroksha means impure and unclear. Further pratyaksha is of
two kinds Samvyaharika and Paramarthika. The Jain law of Non violence
(Ahimsa Dharma) tries to restore world peace and harmony. Vardhaman
Mahavira and other Tirthankaras were the earlier historical examples
of mighty souls (Mahatmas). They played the role arhat parameshtis and
bodhisatva manjushree respectively. They were the saviors of the
principles of Truth (satya) and non violence (ahimsa).
Syadvada can be briefly interpreted as
from some point of view. Acharya Samanthabadhra the great exponent of
Jainism emphasizes that relinquishing of uniqueness is syadvada in his
Atmamimamsa. This once again entails the concept of
Anekanthavada. In a similar way Akalankadeva also emphasizes the same
in his work Lagheyasthrya. Tirthankaras are the embodiment of
Syadvada of Bhagawan Mahavira is seen in the questionnaire of
Bhagavathi. Syadvada is a means to ascertain reality. It can be
concluded that syadvada is an important aspect of Jainism and is a
proper understanding of the concept of truth and reality.
Thanking you
London, November 15: Jainism makes it
big time as the BBCi Religion and Ethics web site
have recognised the need for the representation of Jainism in the UK
and have therefore, reflected upon this on the launch of a new Jainism
website. The launch will take place at the Jain Samaj Community Centre
in Manchester, where a programme has been arranged to celebrate this
breakthrough for Jainism. Jain Spirit and the newly formed Young Jain
Students of Manchester are co-organisers and key speakers include Alan
Bookbinder, Head of Religion and Ethics at the BBC and also Dr. Atul
Shah, Executive Editor of Jain Spirit magazine.
In addition, a
unique Photo exhibition, produced by Jain Spirit entitled
Jainism – Ancient Tradition, Modern
Values will be on display. The exhibition
includes photographic imagery from some the world’s best-known
photographers of Indian Culture. - News
Courtesy: Jain Spirit |
(Gujarat) :
The president of India Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam stressed the need to
bring religious amity and cooperation amongst different religious
sects and issued a "Spiritual Declaration" by common consent. He was
speaking on the occassion of a two-day seminar on the theme of 'Mental
Unity' held at Surat in the presence of Acharya Mahapragya. The
seminar was attended by the leaders from different religious sects and
the declaration was the outcome of the discussions held at the
programme. The President urged upon the leaders to take all necessary
action to implement the declaration in its true spirit, as fast as
possible. The main items in the declaration included reflection and
contemplation to bring and maintain peace and goodwill, organising
prayers for peace, addressing moral and ethical value-based messages
for global transmission, holding spiritual and religious meetings of
religious leaders and followers on a regular basis for inculcating
ethical values amongst masses and proper communication and arranging
developmental activities by various sects to promote religious and
communal unity and mutual understanding. Those who took participated
in the seminar included Dr. Thomas Dabre, Dr. J.S. Negi, Maulana
Bahiduddin, Sayyad Mohammad, Sayyad Jilani, Brahma Kumari Sudesh Didi,
Rahul Baudhi, Swami Jitatmanand, Swami Neerajanand and Swami Bal
Gangadharnath. Courtesy: Ahimsa Times |
Bangalore (Karnataka), November 12:
Noted Jain research scholar, writer and critic Smt Kamala Hampana has been
nominated unanimously as the president of the 71st Kannada Sahitya
Sammelana to be held at Moodabidri from 18th to 21st December, 2003.
The executive committee of the Kannada Sahitya Parishad made this
decision at a meeting held here at Bangalore chaired by Sri
Harikrishna Punaroru the president of the Parishad. Smt Hampana is
only the third women in the 71 years long history of the Kannda
Sahitya Sammelana's for having being nominated as the president.
She has served as the chairman of the
Jainology department of Mysore University and has also served in
many colleges and educational institutions in various capacities. She
has edited and compiled many Jain puranas the prominent among them
being Chavundaraya Purana and Sukumaracharita and has
authored more than 50 books on Jainism and Kannada literature. She has
to here credit many research articles on Jainism and other aspects of
Jain literature. She is the recipient of many awards which include
Karnataka Sahitya Academy Award (1994), Janapada Special award (1995),
Chavundaraya Award (1997), Kanrataka Rajyotsava Award (1997) and many
more. She was the president of the 2nd Karnataka State Jain Sahitya
Sammelana held at Shravanabelagola in 2000. People from all walks of
life have expressed their happiness over the selection of Smt Hampana
as the president and have greeted her on the occasion.
- Jain Heritage Centres News Service
(Gujarat), October 21 : Concerted efforts should
be made to safeguard the country’s rich cultural heritage from the
likely onslaught of globalisation, mainly in the field of trade and
commerce, said vice-president Bhairon Singh Shekhawat. He was
addressing a select gathering at Terapanth Bhavan, as part of a
function organised by Jain Terapnath Mahapragya, in the City Light
area here on Tuesday. Acharya Mahapragya has been camping here for
the past four months as part of his country-wide ‘Ahimsa Yatra’.
Referring to
the WTO agreement, the vice-president said that boundary-less
economic regime would prevail in the times to come and as a result,
the threat of losing one’s own cultural identity looms large, which
needs containing it. He
said although opening of economy globally is significant for overall
economic development, it should not lead to a sort of imperialism as
happened during the British regime.
Referring to social evils, he said
the need is to create awareness among the general mass by making
them understand the basic ethos of all religions, all of which lay
emphasis on universal Besides, the significance of non-violence —
which is the most fundamental thing for peace to prevail — should be
made known to all, the vice-president added. He lauded the efforts
of Acharya Mahapragya for initiating the country-wide ‘Ahimsa Yatra’.
Shekhawat also made references to problems like unemployment and
overpopulation, and said the focus employment opportunities by way
of plans that result in all round economic development. On the
occasion, Shekhawat also felicitated Rajasthan Patrika editor Gulab
Kothari with the ‘Acharya Tulsi Samman’.
News Courtesy: Times News Network
New Delhi, October 4: The Acharya
Umaswamy Award - 2003 has been given to noted Jain scholar Dr. Satyavrata
Shastri. This award has been constituted by the Kunda Kunda Bharathi
for distinguished contribution to Sanskrit Language and Jain
literature. The award carries a cheque for Rs. 1 lakh, a shawl and a
citation. The award was given under the auspices of Acharya
Vidyanandaji Maharaj and the mayor of Delhi Sri Ashok Jain presided
over the function. The speaker of the Delhi vidhanasabha Sri Subhash
Chopda was the chief guest of the function. -
Jain Heritage Centres News Service
Bangalore, November 8: Noted Jain
scholar Dr. T.V.Venkatachala Shastri has bagged prestigious
Chavundaraya Awards for the year 2002-2003. The award was constituted
by Sri Charukeerthi Bhattarakha Maharaj of Shravanabelagola at the
Kannada Sahitya Parishad on the occasion of the Mahamasthakabhishekha
of Bhagawan Bahubali in 1993. This award has been given to Jain
scholars as a recognition of their life time contribution to Jainism.
The award encloses a cash prize of Rs. 20,000, a memento and a
citation. - Jain Heritage Centres News Service
Bangalore (Karnataka), November 1:
Film producer Sri Chandulal Jain has been awarded the Karnataka
Rajyotsava Award - 2003. This award being given by the government of
Karnataka encloses a cash prize and a citation. The
Karnataka Government as part of the annual Karnataka Rajyotsava
celebrations has been giving this award to persons from different
walks of life for their meritorious contribution in their respective
fields. - Jain Heritage Centres News Service
Washington, October 17: first-ever worldwide poll on religious
beliefs shows that religion outranks politics in importance to
individuals and that people think politics, not religion, fuels
violence. Designed by the Zogby International polling firm and the
University of Rochester's religion department, the survey is a rare
attempt to obtain empirical data about global religious beliefs and
practices. "Religion is far more important to people than politics,"
said John Zogby, president of Zogby International. "Most groups
acknowledge the possibilities of multiple paths to religious truth and
the majority of communities surveyed do not associate religion with
trouble, unrest and violence in their own countries." What's unusual
about the survey is the number — 4,388 — and breadth of the
interviews, conducted from January through March this year in seven
countries. Most of the interviews were conducted in person. The poll
is available online at www.zogby.com. Groups polled included Russian
Orthodox Christians, South Korean Christians and Buddhists, U.S. Roman
Catholics and Protestants, Indian Hindus and Muslims, Israeli Jews and
Muslims, Saudi Arabian Muslims and Peruvian Catholics. -
News Courtesy: Hindu
Herald |
Sandiago, October 13: The 6th Annual Young Jain Professionals
convention was held in San Diego from October 10 to 13, 2003. Jains
from the US, Canada, and England convened at the Shelter Pointe Hotel
and Marina and participated in scholarly presentations and team
building activities for the weekend. The convention began Friday evening with
icebreaker activities. The activities facilitated getting to know
each other while challenging our minds. Saturday morning then began
with a yoga session, where participants had the chance to warm up for
the day, led by Dinesh Shah of San Diego.
This was followed by a presentation by
Yogendra Jain on “Re-branded and Re-packaged: Jainism’s Role in
Reshaping Future Human Thoughts”. This presentation challenged the
notion that Jainism must be taught using traditional methodology and
addressed the idea that Jain teachings could be made more appealing
and more accessible to a Western population by implementing creative
ideas such as a Jain theme park. Although some of the concepts
presented might not become reality in the immediate future, discussing
such ideas encouraged the audience to think about these issues. The
audience was then called upon to meet in small groups later in the day
to come up with recommendations on various assigned topics to present
the next day. The topics included: Why a mission and vision is needed
for Jains, Understanding related trends in North America, Lobbying
US/international companies, Messaging and promoting of Jainism to
Jains and non-Jains, Analysis and update/modification of Jain
practices, Leadership, Public relations, Alcohol and veganism, and
Marrying non-Jains. A total of sixteen topics were covered.
Next was a presentation by Prem Jain,
senior vice president of Cisco, called “If Ken Lay were Jain… Would we
have had an Enron?” This presentation addressed the contradictions
many of us face about maintaining Jain values while working and
excelling in the business world, such as promoting strengths and
hiding weaknesses of products and creating stress in the family when
working long hours. This session challenged the notion that Jain
values need to be ignored to succeed in business, arguing that
principles such as ahimsa, honesty, sincerity, aparigraha, and
anekantvada boosts a company’s image and elicits trust from its
After a break for lunch was a session
titled “Creating Inner Balance… Can it really be achieved?” presented
by Erik Sowder of Kaiser Permanente. This presentation emphasized the
importance of balancing physical, mental, and emotional energies. In
this session, Mr. Sowder helped the audience understand the mind/body
connection through biofeedback technology. Volunteers were hooked up
to a biofeedback device that monitored physiological changes as they
performed various mind activities.
Later in the afternoon, the group
participated in team building activities organized by Team Building
USA. The activities focused on communicating and trusting each other
while working together towards a common goal. After enjoying a
scrumptious dinner on the beach, many attendees enjoyed the nightlife
of San Diego, while some participated in a local garba. Others
gathered around a bon fire on the beach and sang songs or discussed
Jain philosophy.
Sunday morning again started with yoga.
This was followed by a presentation by Dr. Manoj Jain, a physician
specializing in infectious diseases, called “What’s ‘in’ for the 21st
Century? Jainism?!”. This session challenged the Cartesian mind/body
model and posited the existence of the soul and the existence of
vibrations that bring together the mind, body, and soul. It also
addressed the notion that many practices common to Jainism, including
forgiveness, prayer, meditation, and vegetarianism, are likely to have
a positive impact on a person’s health and well-being.
Next came a follow-up to the session
“Re-branded and Re-packaged: Jainism’s Role in Reshaping Future Human
Thoughts”, where the each of the groups presented their ideas on the
topics they had been assigned to. Each group had apparently put a lot
of thought into their ideas and recommendations. At the end, Yogendra
Jain indicated that these ideas will all be presented to JAINA in
hopes of actually implementing them. Thus the activity was not only a
thought provoking exercise for the participants, but was also shown to
have practical importance. After lunch, the group headed off to
Balboa Park, where we met up with Team Building USA again for another
afternoon of bonding activities. At the park, attendees participated
in a scavenger hunt, where everyone divided into groups to explore the
park and search for various pieces of information. Participants in
each of the groups took on roles such as leader, navigator, and
encourager in the search process. While some groups diligently
searched the park for all the information requested, other groups gave
up quickly and spent their time leisurely enjoying the park. After
the groups reconvened, participants enjoyed a picnic dinner at the
After returning from the park, Amar
Salgia, author of Pure Freedom: The Jain Way of Self-Reliance,
presented a session on “Balance in Anekantavada”. This session
explained the proper meaning of Anekantavada, helped dispel some of
the misconceptions about Anekantavada’s meaning and purpose, and
clarified ways of actually applying it in our day-to-day lives. That night, many of the participants
stayed up most of the night, enjoying their last hours together before
having to go off in separate directions. A few even remained awake
long enough to watch the sun rise. Monday, as everyone parted, many
looked forward to seeing each other at next year’s YJP Convention.
-News Courtesy:
Shilpa Shah
Mumbai, November 6: Judges do not convict a person for the
crime he has committed. A person is convicted because he was caught
committing the crime.” This was not a statement made by an unrepentant
criminal but by Swami Pushpadanta Sagar Maharaj of Digambar Jain Samaj
to a roomful of lawyers, no less.
The Swami went on to add, “Even a criminal repents not because he has
committed a crime, but because he was caught. Change all the jails to
“sudharalayas”. That will give justice meaning.”
Judges and advocates are gods of nyay-mandir.
They should keep that in mind. The common man has faith in them. Not mandirs (temples), but
nyay- |
mandir (judiciary) will make this society better. It is painful
to see advocates sipping tea and smoking outside the court premises.
They should stay away from wine and beer. The white shirt they wear is
a symbol of uplifting everything. They should maintain their stature.
Judges should think twice before adjourning a case. An adjournment may
add money to an advocate’s pocket, but it will also ruin the life of a
litigant and his family. Lawyers should realise their clients’
families are dependent on them and hence their responsibility is
The Swami spoke to over 100 lawyers on the subject of
“Indian jurisprudence and advocacy”. Organised by the Bar Association
of Mumbai City Civil and Sessions Court, the lecture was held at the
bar room between 4 and 5 pm, during working hours. It was also
attended by Principal Judge R R Vachcha and Judge K U Chandiwal.
“We are fortunate to have Swamiji amongst us. May God create more such
human beings so that the universe becomes a better place,” R R Vachcha
said in his welcome address. The Swamiji delivered a 30-minute
lecture. Advocate Pasbola gave the farewell address.
The bar room was packed during the lecture. Apart from lawyers and
judges, the court’s administrative staff were also present and
responded with liveliness to occasional digs the lecturer took at
advocates. In spite of insufficient sitting arrangements, many stayed
till the end of the lecture. News & Photo Courtesy: mid-day.com
9th of November saw a unique experiment by the students of
Vidyapeeth (Jain School) in
Boys and girls, as young as five-six years olds, demonstrated their
abilities in reciting various Jain verses in front of the elders of
the Jain community in
Vidyapeeth is instrumental in teaching Jain values to the new younger
generation and is running classes for Jainism. Recently an event was
organised - with the help of Mahavir Foundation - at the
High School in
The event was the ‘Sponsored Samayika’. The Jain Samayika was attended
by 60 or so young children, their parents and other well-wishers.
Sutras of Samayika were recited by some 30 children. They not only
spoke the original sutras but translated them as well. There was a
complete ritual of Samayika together with related story, skit and the
slide show. It was heart-warming to see children doing all this when
many of Jain elders even do not know the meaning of Samayika.
The whole
programme was received with enthusiasm and proved that children have
capacity to recite and explain various sutras of Jainism. That day,
being a day of Pilgrimage to Palitana, a large picture (patta) was
displayed and people also did the worship ritual. Mahavir Foundation
is currently in the process of building a Jain Centre/Derasar in
- News courtesy: Vinod Kapashi, Surendra Mehta |
Pune, November 1:
Responding to a worldwide anti-leather campaign launched by Peta
(People for Ethical Treatment of Animals), Daimler-Chrysler India (DCI)
has promised to provide its customers with non-leather options in its
legendary Mercedes-Benz cars. This was
confirmed by the company’s managing-director, H.M. Huber, in a letter
to noted animal rights activist Maneka Gandhi on October 14. Fabric
options for the leather upholstery, steering wheels, gear shift and
other parts would be provided for all Mercedes-Benz cars to be
introduced in India , he said. While fabric
options are available for C-class diesel and petrol versions produced
in India , they will now be offered with Eclass models, slated to be
introduced in the second quarter of 2004, Huber added. Gandhi had
written to the company, threatening to launch a campaign against the
use of leather in its cars. Others who wrote to the company included
former Union animal husbandry minister Raghuvansh Prasad Singh and
Jain leader Shree Chitrabhanuji.
“DaimlerChrysler India has
taken a huge step forward and we are delighted for the animals it
saves and compassionate consumers who prefer fabric interiors,” Peta’s
special projects coordinator Bijal Vachharajani told . Vachharajani
said that Peta would “continue to encourage DaimlerChrysler to
eliminate its use of leather worldwide and use some of the luxurious
synthetic leather that is now widely available and is actually
superior to animal leather.” -News Courtesy: Times News
Network |
Ahmedabad (Gujarat), November 16: A gang of
around 20 men robbed Jain pilgrims sleeping at the dharmashala of
Panchginashwer Kevaliadham Jain Derasar in Ognaj village, near Gota on
the outskirts of Ahmedabad city in the wee hours on Saturday. The gang
made off with Rs 1. 33 lakh worth of jewellery and Rs 22,000 in cash. The robbers struck
around 1 am when most of the pilgrims were asleep leading cries of
panic among predominantly woman devotees. In fact, many sadhvis and
women were terrorised by the incident and are in a state of shock. DSP Ahmedabad Rural
Manoj Aggrawal said that "Our estimate is that it was an Adivasi gang
that robbed the pilgrims on a pilgrimage to a Jain temple in Kalol on
foot. They beat up some of the pilgrims brutally, including the five
security men present at the dharmashala."
Around 400 pilgrims
were resting in tents and in the dharamshala behind the Jain Derasar,
but the dharamshala, which was attacked, had only around 70 persons,
many of them women. About three sadhvis were also beaten up by the
gang wearing banian and shorts and armed with lathis. Incidentally, the
derasar has an expensive alarm system installed but since the looters
attacked the dharamshala and not the temple, the alarm could not be
raised, said the police.In fact, many sleeping
in the tents nearby did not even learn about the robbery until the
police arrived at around 2.15 am, said a police officer. DSP Aggrawal
said that SRP will accompany pilgrims to Kalol while on a pilgrimage
and another section has been stationed at the derasar for security.
- News Courtesy: Ahmedabad.com
jainheirtagecentres-subscribe@yahoogroups.com WITH THE
Bangalore: The Book
Ranakarandaka written by the Jain scholar
B.S.Sannaiah has bagged the P.Shanthilal award. This award has been
given by the Kannada Sahitya Parishad. This book has been
published by the S.D.J.M. trust
of Shravanabelagola and was released on the occasion of the
chandragiri utsav. |
Patanvav (Gujarat), November 15:
The website DHANAKAGIRI.ORG giving the details of the
Siddhachakrayantramaya Jinalaya currently under construction at
Patanvav near Dhoraji in Saurashtra was launched here at Patanav.
This temple will be the first of its kind in the world as its
formation of (kalash) depicting the Siddhachakrayantra is unique in
splendor and aesthetic values. The concept and construction of this
temple is carried on under the auspices of Sadhvi Ratna Sri Charuvratasriji
maharaj sahib.-SSeshadri@inautix.com |
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Please recirculate
among as many Jains and other readers as
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JAINA VOICE by sending their emails to
The main intension of this column is to provide a platform to the news of even the small villages
spread all over India. We here by request our readers to kindly send
the news of the pooja mahotsav's in the Jain temples taking place at
the nooks and corners of the world. |
Kolkata (West Bengal), November 8:
The annual procession of Bhagawan Parshwanatha was held on November 8.
The procession began from the Cotton Street and ended at the Badridas
Temple Street and passed through Rabindra Sarani, Beadon Street,
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road and Nirode Behari Mullick Road. |
Chamalapura (Mysore District,
Karnataka), October 23: The
48th days Mandalapooja Mahotsava of the newly built temple of
Bhagawan Chandraprabha was held on October 23rd. |
: This website gives the translations and meanings of the
shlokas written by Srimad Rajachandra. |
Details of the Siddhachakrayantramaya Jinalaya
currently under construction at Patanvav near Dhoraji in Saurashtra. |
Wednesday 3rd December 2003
- Diksha Kalyana of Bhagawan Aranatha.
Thursday 4th December 2003 - Janma Kalyana and Diksha Kalyana of
Bhagawan Mallinatha, Kevalagnana Kalyana of Bhagawan Neminatha.
Sunday 7th December 2003 - Janma Kalyana of Bhagawan Aranatha.
Sunday 7th December to Wednesday 10th December 2003 -
The Conference for Religious
Solidarity in the Midst of Communal Violence.
Monday 8th December 2003 - Diksha Kalyana of Bhagawan Shambavanatha.
Tuesday 16th December 2003 - Dhanusankramana, Dhanurmasa pooja begins.
Thursday 18th December 2003 - Diksha Kalyana of Bhagawan Mahavira.
Monday 29th December 2003 to Friday 2nd January 2004- International
Conference on World Peace, will be held at the Gujarat University.
JHC Web poll
question for the month of November 2003 |
The work 'Siripaasanachariyam' in
Prakrit deals with the history of the following Tirthankara : |
a. Adinatha
b. Parshwanath
c. Suparshwanath
Additions as on 15th
Photos of the Jain idols at the
National Museum, New Delhi
among as many Jains as
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is strictly
prohibited. Please send your permission requests to
Dr.H.A.Parshwanath, Email:
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